The next time you see several potholes on a city street…have a water outage because of another failed water line…hear of toxic effluent being discharged from the Wastewater Treatment Plant…can’t golf because the wastewater plant can’t send safe effluent to irrigate the golf course…see Homewise’s Loftin and his BFF Daniel Werwath make six figures for their “affordable housing con games that never result in affordable housing units but do increase taxes…see drug dealers operating in city parks…Remember that John Blair is living large on taxpayer money, yet he is failing at a job he isn’t qualified for….it’s the Webber Way!!
Elect Zamora, Faulkner, “Filthy” Phil Lucero and Cassutt to City Council, AND WE WILL GET MORE OF THE SAME.
‘The First Amendment might be in trouble at Santa Fe’s City Hall. With a commitment to redundancy, City Attorney Erin McSherry keeps warning elected officials against commenting negatively about the performance of City Manager John “The Con” Blair.
McSherry purposely confuses criticism of Santa Fe’s highest-paid city employee with what she claims could be bullying in the workplace.
If free speech is in doubt regarding Blair, free meals without receipts are in vogue.’
‘Santa Fe’s basic services have been deficient for many years. Bad roads, poorly maintained parks and lagging city audits are just a few examples. With all the trouble at home, lessons learned at faraway conventions [by John Blair] don’t seem to be as effective as City Hall executives claim.’
Comments from on the New Mexican:
- In the private sector, no receipt, no pay. When I worked for the State of Colorado, I found they had stricter policies than the private sector. I’m not even going to touch whether Blair should have been hired or not. With this misuse of public funds and the excuses he is providing…should have been gone before now. This is a prime example of why people do not trust city government. City counselors, what are you going to do about it?
- Thanks for the work, Milan. I wonder if there were any workshops on transparency and accountability, and if either could be bothered to attend.
- No wonder Blair cannot meet with constituents–he is traveling or looking for his travel receipts. And why expect ethical and competent behavior from either McSherry or Blair when Webber appointed them?. The whole lecture to city council from the lying lawyer McSherry is beyond disgusting. And does Blair have aspirations for mayor or does he just like to carry water and be away from all his pesky constituents and real responsibilities? There is no accountability at city hall–city land use employees regularly ignore the zoning code but don’t worry the LUD will look into it—maybe a few years later he will get back to you–maybe–meanwhile buildings too close to lot line, too high fences, more illegal STR etc. This city is going to the dogs (sorry dogs for any insult.
- Santa Fe we have an opportunity to clean house at City hall!
- Zamora, Cassutt, Faulkner, Castro, and Phil Lucero are all being financed by the Webber machine! We must get the vote out for the sake of Santa Fe! We Need Gutierrez, Carlos, Nava, and Garcia! It’s not about democrat or Republican it’s about our city! Our roads, our parks, the high rate of crime, the homeless, affordable housing, and many other issues that have and are being ignored by Webber and his machine! Time clean house!
- Well said, the entire incompetent, corrupt gang needs to be shown the door.
- In all my years working, with many business trips, I don’t I ever “lost” my receipts. He didn’t lose them. He chose not to retain them, knowing he’d be reimbursed without them. Totally ridiculous that city policy doesn’t require receipts, whether for cash or cc expenditures. And without receipts, at least the cc statement.
- Thank you! Best of your investigative reporting, very important to the community.
- Maybe for your next deep dive, you can check Blair’s time cards to see if he punched in late or left early. (Unless you find that it doesn’t make your point.)
- Thanks you, Milan for your hard work in gathering this information. It seems the City has a Code of Ethics for most employees, and a different Code of Ethics for others.
- Conferences are usually a big excuse for people to eat, drink and sleep together on someone else’s dime. It’s a big party. Not sure why Blair needed to go to the same conference twice in 6 months. Was anything learned from these conferences? Thank you, Milan, for the investigative reporting!
- The First Amendment is in trouble nation wide. As Blair travels to get his ideological marching orders from unelected delegates and bureaucrats, the city crumbles. No new taxes and there is still a frikken box in the middle of the PLAZA.
- Not sure there is a problem here with meals but I don’t know the city’s travel rules and the article seems to say a per diem is fair game. When I went on government-paid travel (usually on grant money), I had to submit receipts for plane tickets, rental cars, hotels, conference fees, any other surface transportation, and I think gasoline. I could opt to take a “per diem” for meals rather than submit actual meal receipts and the per diem generally was different for different destinations. Taking per diem was legal and further, avoided slipping up and submitting receipts with booze on them, as alcohol had to be paid out of the traveler’s own pocket rather than by government. And of course it meant you could eat filet mignon every night if you wanted to cover the difference out of your own pocket. Of course the rest of the receipts (and being a speaker on the agenda) proved I actually made the trip. So the real question is whether Mr. Blair followed the rules, not whether he had receipts from restaurants. One doesn’t have to “pile on” to be a good muckraker.
- The First Amendment is in trouble nation wide. As Blair travels to get his ideological marching orders from unelected delegates and bureaucrats, the city crumbles. No new taxes and there is still a frikken box in the middle of the PLAZA.
- Conferences are usually a big excuse for people to eat, drink and sleep together on someone else’s dime. It’s a big party. Not sure why Blair needed to go to the same conference twice in 6 months. Was anything learned from these conferences?