Given the City Attorney Erin McSherry’s apparent lack of comprehension regarding the term “workplace bullying,” it’s only fair to provide her with some clarification. Erin, your actions of reading irrelevant city code under the influence of John “The Con” Blair, simply because he got his feelings hurt, strongly suggest where your loyalties lie.
Now, here are some examples so you know how this works in the future:
- John Blair’s continued failures in meeting his performance expectations and his deliberate concealment of crucial information from the city council justifies his dismissal. – Not workplace bullying
- Erin McSherry is an idiot that has no grasp of the law. A twelve-year-old would be able to write better legal filings with their eyes closed. Her stupidity is beyond belief, and she needs to go back to being a clerk until she learns how to be a real lawyer. – Workplace bullying
It’s revolting to witness how you allow Webber and Blair to essentially weaponize you, threatening sitting councilors who dare to question the city’s transparency and performance. We elect our councilors with the expectation that they will engage in such oversight, and we certainly don’t require an inept city attorney who reads irrelevant code in an attempt to intimidate our city officials into submission under Webber’s thumb. If Mayor Webber wants councilors who won’t voice dissent or question his actions, he can continue funding candidates like Geno Zamora, Alma Castro, “Filthy” Phil Lucero, Jamie Cassutt, and Pilar Faulkner so they can continue to buy their elections.

Comments on the New Mexican Article:
- Erin McSherry is the last person to give advice on workplace bullying. On at least 3 occasions as a city councilor, I brought to her attention that I needed to report an incident. That incident was that Alan Webber exhibited sexually harassing behavior toward me in his back office kitchenette. Erin McSherry blew me off each time I approached her and she did absolutely nothing! All of this is documented. Erin McSherry picks and chooses who she wants to advise and when and if she wants to help. She has lost all credibility with many who still work at city hall. She swoons every time Alan Webber pulls her strings. It is really a very sad state of affairs at city hall to witness.
- Erin McSherry IMHO should be terminated. I would love the paper to do a piece on the very high turnover in her office. Once hired, you will be asked to compromise your values. McSherry recently told the council that administrative land use decisions did not need a written opinion to be appealed–it is only the vote that counts. And she is the city attorney? And knows nothing about the standard used for review in appeals to district court (arbitrary, capricious, fraudulent, not in keeping w/ law or evidence)—For a Court to make such a decision, the discussion and findings with reference to the evidence has to be in the record DUH!!! McSherry and her staff manufactured and falsify “evidence”–an invoice was said to establish the date of payment when the email that went with it, but left out of the packet by McSherry and her minions, said it was the bill to use for payment–just one example of the lack of integrity of her office. SO I don’t think McSherry or Blair should be the ones judging what constitutes work place bullying when they seemingly engage in it to avoid answering questions. I thought it was outrageous that she tried to control and intimidate city council through that little bit of “advisement.”
- What a joke. I don’t know how stating facts can be construed as workplace bullying. I honestly don’t know who is more incompetent, our city attorney or our district attorney.
- Ms. McSherry seems to limit her decisions for “reminders” to issues that might sting for members of Team Webber. Early on in his eventful tenure as City Manager, Mr. Blair chose a public meeting to call Councilor Michael García’s comments regarding the Veterans’ Banners “lies and conspiracy theories” (they were neither), and the statement was reported by The New Mexican. At no time did Ms. McSherry choose a public meeting to remind anyone about ethics and protocol, nor did the Mayor ask Mr. Blair to apologize for his remarks. Decisions in middle school cafeterias are often based on which kids are sitting at the cool kids table. One would hope City Government is not using the same criteria.