How great that Mayor Alan M. Webber, City Manager John Blair, Councilor Signe Lindel and Webber’s protege Councilor Jamie Cassutt are taking care of the recreational needs of the northeast part of the City while everyone else is left with a lack of basic City services!
A collapsed bridge on West Alameda? A failing Wastewater Plant discharging toxic E. Coli into the River? Failing water infrastructure and discolored water? Summer Yourh soccer and baseball programs cancelled due to the unsafe conditions of the playing fields? Financial audits not completed in a timely manner? Over $1 million in state funding withheld due to financial incompetence? Potholes and failing streets, curbs gutter and sidewalks that never get repaired? A youth center completed three years behind schedule? NONE OF THAT MATTERS BECAUSE WEBBER AND HIS MINIONS ARE MAKING SURE THAT THE WEALTHY CALIFORNIA AND NEW YORK TRANSPLANTS HAVE PICKLEBALL!
Well, shit – the system works!
Maybe the New Mexican Editor Phil Casaus can publish some more propaganda advocating for Webber’s girl Jamie Cassutt becoming our next Mayor! We have to wonder why Webber and his Progressive Mafia are pushing so early and so hard for the unemployed elitist Cassutt? What are they so afraid of?!
‘To meet the demand, the city’s Parks and Recreation Department is considering doubling the number of courts at Fort Marcy from six to a dozen.
“It is so needed in the city,” said Cindy Lawton, president of the Santa Fe Pickleball Club.’
‘The project would cost about $650,000 total, [Parks and Recreation Director Melissa] McDonald said’