Well big surprise, Jamie Cassutt decided attending the forum last night was beneath her. Jaime, did you decide not to go because it was a Hispanic hosted event or because you genuinely hate going to that side of town and seeing the mess you’ve created? I guess you really are following in the footsteps of your confidant and mentor, Alan Webber. He hates Hispanics and going to the Southside as well! You two really are peas in a pod. You think we didn’t notice you missed so you didn’t have to answer the hard questions about your BFF gal pal Jonh Blair, and rate daddy Webber’s poor performance? The voters see right through you. Can we say it again? A vote for Jaime Cassutt, Geno Zamora, Phil Lucero, and Pilar Faulkner is a vote for Alan Webber!

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