Via Jay Baker:
Both City Manager John Blair and Public Works Director Regina Wheeler are completely unqualified for their positions!
Blair and Wheeler do not mention that a number of streets and snow removal staff either retired early or left the City due to the toxic workplace environment these two a$$*$ and the rest of the Webber appointees created. This toxic environment is why the City can’t hire people to fill these positions.
The mismanagement of Wheeler and Blair can also be seen in the old and non functioning snow removal equipment. Staff wanted to maintain and repair equipment during the summer months, but Wheeler wouldn’t allow them to do so. Now we don’t have working equipment when it is needed.
For Blair to remind the public that St Francis is the state’s responsibility was dumb…as St Francis was one of the very few roads cleared, although it was done later in the day.
Sunshine is what the City depends on to clear roads, City Manager Blair?! You, sir, are an incredibly incompetent moron.

Online Comments:
- Not to worry, Webber will get the SPSMS (Solar Powered Snow Melting System) going.
- This is nothing new. The city has been doing the “solar method” snow removal for decades!!!!
- Runs just like the rest of the city.
- Effective management planning goes a long way. The middle of snow storms is no time to be lamenting on the need for more plows. It’s not like the city doesn’t have the money. The “snow melt” snow removal that city management implements is the same system they use for “winter freeze weed removal” to remove the weeds!
- The streets have never looked so bad. Climate change…not. Back decades we experienced heavy winters. The truth is the city has grown rapidly and we have not kept up with this growth and a strained infrastructure. How about subcontracting with dozens of companies that have snow plows until the city finally decides to update a broken system.
- Ramps on/off that connect St. Michael’s and St. Francis were never plowed and turned in to sheets of ice. Who is responsible for this? No communication between NMDOT and the city…
- Put plows on garbage trucks like NYC
- Because the snow and ice are not removed, we are starting to get the potholes. It will take months to fix them, but Webber will have lots of ribbon cutting ceremonies.
- Interesting. Being a life long resident of Santa Fe reading all the comments that surfaced related to the snow removal process here, I am amused. Honestly, maybe 5-10 days per year that snowfall is an issue. Most complaints are probably from those newly transplanted to our wonderful City. If the snow is bad , just stay home. Enjoy your stay in Santa!!!
- City fights for control over Area 1b but can’t be bothered to plow Buckman rd.
- So sad that galisteo street access to Zia station was not plowed salted or sanded as of 5 pm yesterday. Treacherous area. Meanwhile there must have been a bad accident on Cerro Gordo
- Neighbor spent 45 minutes trying to get out. He finally took the mayor’s road. No notice. No info. Not fun having to back up on ice.
- QUESTION TO READERS: Did the Mayor’s Reorganization Plan reduce the number of snowplow operators?
- All I read in the article was a bunch of lip service. When will the City manager start doing his job..!!!
- I seem to recall that the City and the State reached an agreement years ago that the City would be responsible for snow removal and some maintenance of St Francis Drive, Cerrillos Road and St. Michael’s Drive.